Hey hey all.
Wow.. It's 1:17 on saturday morning... And possibly for the first time in over 3 weeks, my brain and surroundings are compeltely blank. Work overhaul. Yet I'm so excited - as I will be packing my car to meet Bud in the macs festival in something like 5 hours. Btw - I will be teaching Bud how to blog soon, so you can read something different to my overlong blabber. Since my last posting, me and Bud have shared many a late night getting ready for the festival, and our websites launch (www.boondoogle.co.uk). Which has finally come together. 9am in't morning till 2 the following morning have been our average working hours, and now all is set on the big weekend.
Our second teeshirts arrived! WAHH.. Exctiement. And posted below is some of the images from the shoot. Thanks to Catrin and Alex for volunteering their beautiful selves and whoring about on Cwmtydu beach in front of a Canoe crowd.
For now though, the teeshirts are packed, the badges are here, the '10% off next purchase' vouchers are printed, we have polaroid and digital, a few thousand flyers, staff members and a huge multicolour banner. It's time the Boondoogle wagon rolled into Gwyl Macs. Hope to see you there. Enjoy, Soak up the sun (fingers crossed) catch up with old friends and make some new ones.
All the best....
Hey hey pawb
Wow.. Mae'n 1:29 ar bore Sadwrn.... Ac (o bosib) am y tro gyntaf mewn tair wythnos, mae fy mhen a popeth o amgylch fi'n hollol blanc. Gor-weithio glei! Ond eto - dwi mor excited - oherwydd byddai'n paco'r car i cwrdd a Bud i mynd i'r wyl ymhen 5 awr. Gyda llaw - Byddai'n dysgu Bud sut i bloggo cyn bo hir, i chi gael bach o newid i iaith bach fi. Ers i fi posto tro dwethaf, rydw i a Bud wedi hala nifer o nosweithiau hwyr da'n gilydd i ceisio fod yn barod erbyn yr wyl a lawnsiad y wefan (www.boondoogle.co.uk), sydd wedi dod at ei gilydd o'r diwedd. o 9yb tan 2y bore wedyn fydd ein oriau weithio cyffredin wythnos ma, ac nawr mae popeth yn pwyso ar y penwythnos yma.
Mae ein ail batch o crysau t wedi cyrraedd! WAHHHH - Mor excited! Ac isod mae rhai o'r delweddau o'r 'photoshoot'. Diolch i Catrin ac i Alex am cynnig ei hunain a puteinio'i hunain o flaen criw canwio!
Ond am nawr, mae'r crysau t wedi'i phacio, mae'r bathodynnau ma, mae'r tocynau '10% off eich archeb nesaf' wedi'i phrintio, ma da ni Camera Polaroid a Digidol, 5,000 o flyers, aelodau staff a banner mawr lliwgar... gadewch i'r wagon Boondoogle rowlio i mewn i Gwyl Macs. Gobeithio eich gweld chi na. Mwynhewch, joiwch yr haul (PLIIIIIIIIIIIIS) dalwch lan da hen ffrindiau a wnewch rhai newydd.
Pob hwyl...

Edrych yn dda! Sut aeth hi yng Ngwyl Macs?
Just a T-Shirt....
A good idea....
reminds me a little bit of I am not a plastic bag,
Annette Strauch, Machynlleth
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